1752: The Only Year with 355 Days
366 days make a leap year while 365 days make a regular year. But it will surprise you to find …
366 days make a leap year while 365 days make a regular year. But it will surprise you to find …
The importance of relaxation and leisure can never be over-emphasized. From bunch of tight schedules, to urban jungle filled with …
Netball, the most participated female sport in the world, is one of the most popular sports in South Africa. The …
What are the most popular sports in Africa? Well, sport is an integral part of the African culture, some sports …
As the digital economy era is deepening, cryptocurrency is becoming a major means of exchange and a source of revenue …
African fashion is one of the most exciting and inspiring styles around. It is a traditional style of dress that …
To be a successful forex trader you need to find out what works for you in the forex market. From …
Africa has marked history because of the diverse coverage of kingdoms that existed from the ancient period. These kingdoms are …
For centuries, the African continent has been misunderstood. The last few decades have not been an exception. The media has …
The word “griot” comes from the Mande language and literally means “historian, storyteller, and keeper of culture.” Griots have served …
The contribution of women to the advancement of humanity is worth celebrating. In the last decades, so many women have …
When you hear the word “reggae” what comes to your mind? My guess is Bob Marley, revolution, freedom, Lucky Dube, …
Just like Proverbs which are wisdom passed on from generations to generation, Jokes, especially African Jokes are combination of phrases …
Climate change is an issue that requires a global response. It is one of the most pressing challenges of our …