Investing in African Markets: Opportunities and Risks

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It’s no news that global investors have increasingly been investing in African market. This is in connection with the continent’s wide economic landscape and growing sectors. On Africa’s soil are rivers of opportunities seeking fishermen. Nevertheless, there are unique obstacles that every prospective investor needs to know. In this article, we are going to share the investment potential and risks of investing in African markets.

Investing in African Markets: Opportunities and Risks

As diverse as Africa’s geography is, so also is its economic landscape. The continent is made up of 54 countries, exhibiting its rich youthful and useful population, natural resources, and vibrant culture. In this diversity is a robust settlements of investment opportunities.

Economic Growth and Diversification

Over the years, many African countries have shown enough ‘workings,’ evidencing the work they have been putting in place. These results were made possible through their impressive economic growth rates for about a decade now. In this category are, Rwanda, Ghana and Ethiopia. From technology to agriculture, these countries have consistently ranked among the fastest-growing economies spanning different sectors not only in Africa but across the globe also.

Interestingly, an initiative designed to boost intra-African trade, solidify economic diversification and bring foreign investors, was created in 2021. The initiative also focuses on creating the marketing avenues for goods and services all over Africa. The initiative is known as The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).

Youthful Population and Urbanization

Another area to focus on when it comes to investing in African markets is its Youth population. About 60% of Africa’s population are under 25; therefore, a demographic dividend tends to find its position in Africa. This young, energetic and innovative group of individuals can drive technological and entrepreneurial growth.

Several cities are also advancing in Africa; they create demands for residential houses, and other infrastructures and services. For example, Lagos in Nigeria, Nairobi, Kenya, and Johannesburg, South-Africa are becoming economic hubs that attract businesses and investments from global investors.

Major Sectors for Investment in Africa

Having established various investment opportunities in Africa, it is pertinent to note that some sectors stand out as a result of their growth potential and strategic relevance.


Nigeria, South Africa and Kenya have emerged as tech hubs in Africa. These countries and others have largely contributed to the constant growth of technology in Africa through their citizens. Similarly, mobile technology, internet usage, and e-payment systems has continually spice up the growth of tech startups all over Africa.

Since the world has gone digital, investment in fintech is interestingly promising. For the record, Jumo and Flutterwave operating as fintech companies have completely altered financial services, making banking accessible to users in their millions who previously had no access. It’s also worthy to note that the sector’s potential for creativity and innovation makes it attractive for business gurus


Whenever Africa is mentioned in a room where potential investment options are being discussed, food production should automatically find its way there.

Many African economies depend on Agriculture to survive; thus, employing a substantial part of the population. Notwithstanding its potentials, the sector still longs for modernization and investment. As Benue State in Nigeria serves as the Food Basket of the Nation (Nigeria), so also can Africa become and serve as the Food Basket of the world if the continent gets needed investment and investors. There is land in abundance. The climatic conditions are mostly favorable, too.

Key areas of investment in agribusiness range from farm inputs and mechanization to processing and distribution. These areas offer substantial returns on investment. Therefore, every company interested should focus on improving agricultural productivity and supply chains because these position them well for the continent’s growing food demand.

Renewable Energy

Africa is blessed with many resources commanding investment on them. But some of these resources are either untapped or not fully tapped. As in the case of renewable energy, Africa, most especially in wind, solar and hydroelectric power lag behind. Sustainable energy solutions are hotcakes in Africa as a result of how many countries and regions battle power shortages and epileptic electricity supply.

Moving on, any investments in renewable energy will play the role of a savior that as sent to not only address these needs but also contribute to the continent’s age long economic and environmental sustainability. Initiatives like Morocco’s Noor Solar Plant and South Africa’s Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (REIPPPP) highlight the sector’s potential.

What are the Risks of Investing in African Markets?

Arguably, everything in life has two sides; the good and the bad. So, it’s important to note that as much as there are vast opportunities in Africa, investing in African markets also comes with free gifts of challenges and risks. These risks can be found below:

Political Instability

One of the greatest risks you will face anywhere in the world as an investor is political instability. The issue of governance and political instability can pose significant risks. Whether an investment will thrive or not depends on the policies of the government. So, practically, policy uncertainties, and regulatory amendments can negatively affect business operations and returns on investment. As an investor, you should conduct thorough due diligence about the past, present and possibly predict future political landscape of the countries you’re interested in.

Currency Fluctuations

Another potential risk is the currency instability. These are battles being fought by most countries which have to do with the volatility of their currency as a result of economic conditions, commodity prices, and some other external factors. For foreign investors, these fluctuations tend to affect their returns on of investments; hence, constituting setbacks for them.

Infrastructure Deficiencies

Many African countries still do not have required infrastructural edifices, inspite of their growth and progress. Major challenges here are transportation, logistics, and energy supply. They largely can impact business productivity and increase operational costs. Investors should evaluate the infrastructure landscape and consider the implications for their investment projects.

Successful Investment Strategies in Africa

Beyond these potential risks discussed above, investors should endeavor to strategically design helpful approaches for their businesses. These approaches are:

Partnerships with Local Stakeholders

Insights on cultural nuances, operational challenges, and regulatory avenues are best provided by experienced market players. Therefore, working out partnership deals with local businesses and stakeholders position potential investors for valuable insights and facilitate market entry. They understand the environment, know the nooks and crannies of their people, the challenges. So, these make them invaluable allies.

Long-Term Perspective and Due Diligence

While returns on investments generally take time, it’s important to hold a similar belief of long-term duration for success in African markets.  Thus, the economic sphere of the continent is just developing and investors who are patient and committed can reap significant rewards over time.

It is also worthy to note that investing in Africa calls for extensive due diligence. This is by evaluating economic, political and governing laws. Investors should also investigate the business environments, and make helpful decisions after conducting market research.

Evidence of Successful Investments in Africa

What cancels a person’s doubts is results. There is an array of companies and brands that are faring well in Africa. A few of them are:


Flutterwave is a fintech company that’s owned by a Nigerian. It has become a leading payment solutions providers in Africa. It also simplifies cross-border payments and provides a platform for businesses to succeed. Additionally, Flutterwave has gained giant supports and investors that have contributed to the expansion of its operation across Africa.

Twiga Foods

Twiga Foods is an agritech company in Kenya. It focuses on reshaping distribution of food in the country. This is done by linking farmers with retailers through its mobile platform. This improves supply chain efficiency and has reduced food wastage. It has also increased farmers’ incomes and attracted substantial investment.

ACWA Power, Shoprite, and Dangote Group


ACWA Power is an investor, developer and co-owner of a portfolio of power generation, renewable energy and desalinated water production plants. The investment in the Noor Solar Plant in Morocco and it’s a major example of thriving investment in renewable energy. It maintains a position of one of the largest concentrated solar power plants in the world, massively contributing to energy generation and supply in Morocco potentially position itself for a continental relevance.

Another brand that’s doing well in Africa is Shoprite. It’s the South Africa’s largest retail chain, with branches in many African countries. Shoprite operates in line with the understanding of the local market, strategically focusing on adapting to the same and understanding consumer needs. As earlier suggested, complying with these enable businesses become leading retailer on the continent.

The Dangote Group which was founded by Alhaji Aliko Dangote is a group of company that has investments in various sectors in Nigeria and beyond. It has made significant impact on areas such as sugar, cement and oil production. This multi-national group of company echoes the potential for large-scale industrial investments in the continent, further expanding its horizons.

Final Thoughts

For anyone that will invest in Africa, it is, again, to be noted that the market has opportunities and risks. On the good side, every potential investor has to leverage on the continent’s fast-growing economic growth, and youthful population. To focus on is also the emerging sectors which present huge potential for investors willing to navigate its challenges. When the market dynamics are understood, investors can tap into Africa’s promising investment hub by leveraging local partnerships, and adopting strategic approaches. What matters is careful planning and a long-term perspective; the rewards of investing in African markets can be hugely productive.

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