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The theme for 2020 World Cancer Day is I AM AND I WILL

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“You beat cancer by how you live, why you live and in the manner in which you live”

What does the I AM and I WILL mean to you?

It is a global awareness campaign to you, to be informed about this fast killing disease in our century and take proactive measures to prevent it.

I Am and I Will means, I’m concerned about my health and well-being and that of those around me, and I will prevent further occurrence of this disease as much as I can.

I Am and I Will means, I understand that staying healthy is Key to preventing cancer, therefore;

I Am and I Will means;

I Am and I Will means,

This is possible because I AM a part and I WILL always be a part
of the fight against cancer.

I am in support of the fight against cancer

I will ensure my community is educated on how to prevent cancer

I will always be a part of the fight against cancer

I am and I will!

Will you?


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