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Profitable Crop Ideas for Small Farm Owners in Nigeria

Profitable Crop Ideas for Small Farm Owners in Nigeria
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Farming is a very profitable activity if you know what crops to grow and how. Still, deciding on profitable crop ideas is not easy, especially for small farm owners in Nigeria. There is no set of rules or guidelines to follow when looking for the most lucrative crops for your farm. The best thing you can do is keep an open mind and carry out extensive research in order to find out what crops work best for your farm and your end goals.

This article is a comprehensive compilation of some of the most profitable crop ideas for farming in Nigeria and is a must-read if you’re interested in making good money from agriculture in Nigeria.

Top 10 Most Profitable Crop Ideas For Farm Owners In Nigeria

It is important to note that a small farm owner has to find a market before planting any crops. The market research should involve looking at the demand for the crops and then determining whether there is enough supply capacity for them in Nigeria. Once you have done this, you will know what type of crop(s) or products are needed in a particular location and how much money it would cost you to produce them yourself. Take note that crops with high yield per acre are more likely to be profitable than crops with low yields per acre.

The next step is to determine which crop(s) will be profitable for your farm. You need to do this by doing some research on how much money can be made from each particular type of product/crop based on the market available for it.

1. Sesame

Sesame is a top crop when considering the list of profitable crop ideas for farming in Nigeria. It is easy to grow and equally easy to sell. The seeds are easy to harvest, so you can harvest sesame once a year and have the rest of your crop stored for future use. Sesame doesn’t get affected by pests or diseases, which makes it an ideal crop for small farms in Nigeria.

You can use sesame as oil (for cooking or as fuel), flour (for bread or cakes), meal or cake mixings/powders/pastries, soap base from roasted seeds, etc.

2. Moringa

Moringa is a shrub that can be used to produce edible leaves and seeds. It is a natural source of vitamins, minerals, protein and carbohydrates. The plant grows well in dry areas because it has the ability to withstand drought conditions. It produces good yields when grown on poor soils with little or no fertilizer input during its growth stage.

Moringa trees have been known for their strong growth rate as compared with other crops such as maize which takes about 2 years before harvest time. The plant also has less water consumption than most other crops which makes it ideal for small farms where water shortage might be experienced during the rainy season due to lack of rainwater storage facilities available at home base area owned by farmers/landlord who own land parcels where farm plots operate on rented basis from bigger investors who own large tracts of land where production facilities operate under contract agreements signed between parties involved during negotiations process leading up till final legal document duly executed by both parties before signing anything else like lease agreement etcetera

3. Yam

Yam is a staple food in Nigeria and is easy to grow. It can be used as a tuber crop or as an ornamental plant. Yam has a high yield of over one hundred kilos per plant and can be stored for up to two years without losing its taste or quality. Yam is also known for its versatility; it can be boiled, fried or grilled over an open flame.

4. Cowpea

Cowpea is next on our list of highly profitable crops  to grow in Nigeria. It is a high-yield crop that can be grown in any climate, is easy to grow and has a good harvest time. This crop is also known for being rich in protein and calcium. It can be used to make cowpea flour or green milled into flour for making sofrito (a stew).

5. Cocoa

Cocoa is a profitable crop for small farm owners. Cocoa trees are perennial and they can survive in areas with low rainfall, so they are suitable for farms where there is not much rainfall. The cocoa plant requires shade and doesn’t tolerate hot weather very well, so you must have at least one year of drought before planting it on your small farm.

Cocoa pods are harvested every year after the trees produce them, which means that you need to have plenty of time between harvests if you want to make sure that the soil remains fertile despite being left dormant over winter months or during rainy seasons when no work needs done on the land (if applicable).

6. Cassava

Cassava is a root crop that is high in starch. The cassava root can be used as a starchy food, which is why it’s so popular in Africa. It can also be processed into flour and bread, or brewed into beer.

Cassava plants grow best in poor soils and are drought tolerant, so you don’t need to worry about growing them if there’s little rainfall available on your farm plot. The plant grows very quickly under the right conditions—about three feet tall within one year if left alone.

7. Plantain

Plantain is another very profitable crop for farmers in Nigeria. It is a perennial crop, is easy to grow and can be planted in any type of soil. Plantains have many health benefits, including potassium, magnesium and vitamin A.

The plantain harvest season lasts from December to April when farmers harvest their first crop before planting another one in June or July. The fresh leaves can be used like spinach or chard; they are also good for making soup or tomato sauce or seasoning fish dishes.

8. Mushroom

Mushrooms are a great food and money source for small farmers. They can be grown in a variety of ways, including on logs and in compost buckets. The most popular way to grow mushrooms is by using plastic bags that have been pre-filled with sawdust or shredded newspaper. Mushrooms will grow from the dirt below them and soon appear above ground as they harvest their food supply through underground mycelium (a type of root system).

Mushrooms are also great sources of protein, fiber, B vitamins and minerals such as iron and zinc; however they should be cooked before eating because some types contain toxins if eaten raw or uncooked!

Read: How to Start a Mushroom Farming Business in Africa

Final Thoughts on Profitable Crop Ideas for Small Farm Owners in Nigeria

We hope this article has given you some insights into some highly profitable crops to grow in Nigeria.

The agribusiness and food industry in Nigeria is a vast one and opportunities abound for young and innovative farmers who are eager to make money from it.

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