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How to Become a Better Writer

How to Become a Better Writer
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Writing is a craft, and like all crafts, it requires practice. When it comes to writing, most people don’t know where to start. There are so many different styles out there, and so many different things that can make your writing better or worse. It’s not easy finding a good balance between having structure and being creative in what you write. Luckily, I have just what you need! This article contains some vital tips on how to become a better writer–one of them will blow your mind!

Let’s go…

Tips on Becoming a Better Writer

  1. Develop A Writing Routine

Writing is a habit that needs to be developed. The first step in doing this is setting aside a specific time and place for you to write. If you have trouble getting started, try setting aside half an hour every day or alternate between two days per week (for example, Monday-Thursday). If possible, try not going more than three days without writing anything—this will help keep your momentum going!

Once these basics are down, then it’s time for some practice: set aside some time each day when no one else will interrupt or distract from what works best for your schedule. Just make sure there are no distractions around while focusing on creating something new.

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  1. Write Every Day

You can’t become a better writer unless you write every day. This is something to decide on and carry out consciously.

There are many different ways to write, but one of the most important is writing for a specific amount of time each day. Some people like to set aside 15 minutes at their desk and another hour or so after work or school each day; others prefer doing their daily quota while they exercise or while they eat lunch. Whatever works best for you, just make sure that your allotted block of time is dedicated entirely to writing—no checking email or social media during that time slot!

Set a goal: How long will you write each week? How many pages do you want to write each day? These are just some examples, but they give you an idea of how much time and energy you’ll need in order to commit yourself fully to your craft.

  1. Don’t Forget The Good Old Pencil And Paper

Writing by hand is an important part of the writing process. The brain processes information more quickly and accurately when you write, especially if you’re doing it with a pencil instead of a keyboard.

There are a number of benefits associated with writing by hand: your stronger memory, improved creativity and increased focus and attention span—all things which lead up to better writing!

  1. Develop Your Unique Writing Style

The more you write, the easier it is to identify and develop your unique style.

Write in a way that is interesting and engaging–you want to be able to read what you’ve written without having to force yourself through boring passages or sections of text that don’t flow smoothly from one idea or sentence into another.

Write in a way that is easy for the reader– If it takes too much effort for someone else reading your work (or even just for yourself) then chances are good that they won’t keep reading past their initial interest level—and if this happens often enough then you’re doing something wrong. So make sure every word has some kind of purpose; if something doesn’t add anything substantial toward accomplishing the end goals then why put it there?

  1. Write About What You Know

As a writer, you would agree with me that words flow easily when you know the subject you are writing about. Therefore, practice with something that you know well or are passionate about.

You can write about YOU! Yes! How about some nonfiction for a start?

Write about what it is that makes up who you are as an artist or a person. Your passion will only grow stronger with time—and there’s no better way of cultivating this than by sharing it with others!

  1. Keep It Simple

Use simple words, short sentences and language. Avoid ambiguous words as this is not only unnecessary but also makes your piece hard to read(and understand).

Simple is stylish. Use it.

  1. Read, Read, Read

Reading is an excellent way to improve your writing. In fact, it’s one of the best ways to do so. Whatever genre you’re into, read as much of it as you can.

Reading books in your genre is important because you can use them as a reference point for when you write something similar. It also gives you tools that can help make your writing better, such as different perspectives and styles used by authors in other genres (which may seem intimidating at first but are actually incredibly useful).

Reading outside of your genre—or even just reading outside of whatever comfort zone you have—is also great for improving overall literacy skills and making sure that all parts of the brain get some exposure so they don’t fall asleep at their desks over time.

  1. Ensure To Make It As Error-free As Possible

Use an online tool to check your spelling and grammar. Grammarly is a great tool to help spruce up your writing even further. Google Docs is another great tool for writing error-free pieces.

Some people edit as they write while others edit after writing. Find out which works better for you and stick to it.

  1. Take a Walk

Weird? Nah. Taking walks regularly have been found to greatly influence writing creativity and help with writer’s block (when it arises). It is a great way to relax, ease stress and stretch the muscles–all needed areas for effective writing.

  1. Request For Honest Feedback From People Who Are Not Afraid To Give It To You

We can’t always be the judge of our works. Request for a third eye to read from a reader perspective and give you honest feedback. It can be family or friends–anyone who would be honest and give constructive criticism.

If you can listen, you’ll be surprised at how much people have to tell you.

Final Thoughts on how to become a better writer

If you’re already on the path to becoming a better writer, I applaud your efforts! I know it can be hard work, but if you keep at it and don’t give up then soon enough, everyone–and you most importantly–will see your hard work paying off.

So remember that even though there are so many ways to improve your skills as a writer, there is only one way forward; write often, write well and keep at it(okay three ways. Lol) until eventually it becomes second nature—like walking or breathing.

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